LEGO Projects

at the
Beginning of Fall 2001

The LEGO 24 Hours CITY
at Nick J. Rahall, II
 Appalachian Transportation Institute

Fall 2001 has started with the City being connected from Spring Hill and Davis Creek Elementary.
Summer brought many changes to the CITY as it was readied for the ATI dedication.
Two Marshall University students have worked on readying the SENSORS site.
Programs  on the CITY in August.

In the school year there will be many more workshops such as at Bluefield State College and WV Tech.
Some will focus on transportation.

The camera on the CITY for the Red Rover program is on a shelf above the monorail.

The Principal of Spring Hill Elementary teleoperated the CITY Wednesday September 5, 2001.

The students there will be working on building and programming using RoboLab.
They have the Red Rover software and can set up projects to teleoperate from Spring Hill.
They will be able to do both the SENSORS CITY side and the Red Rover side.

On the Davis Creek Red Rover, USER PROGRAMS 1 and 2 make sounds in the classroom.
It is set up so that you can let the students know that you would like to send a message and teleoperate the rover.
At the AppaLEGO CITY the car can be started by clicking program 2.
These programs can be changed. Watch for new configurations.

LEGO Links of Linda Hamilton