Active Research Projects
Chris Monsere, Mecit Cetin, and Andrew Nichols.  "Exploratory Methods for Truck Re-identification in a Statewide Network Based on Axle Weight and Axle Spacing Data to Enhance Freight Metrics, Phase 1" $100,000, Oregon Transportation Research and Education Consortium, October 2008, Role: Co-PI.

Andrew Nichols.  "West Virginia Crash Summaries" $25,000, West Virginia Department of Transportation, August 2008, Role: PI.

Andrew Nichols, Juan Barrios, Sanghong Yoo. "Intelligent Transportation Systems in WV - Evaluation, Needs Assessment, and Professional Capacity Building" $1,250,000, West Virginia Department of Transportation.  November 2007-2012, Role: PI.

New Journal Publications
Nichols, A., D. Bullock, W. Schneider.  "Detecting Differential Drift in Weigh-in-Motion Wheeltrack Sensors," Accepted for publication in Transportation Research Record, Journal of the Transportation Research Board.

Cetin, M., A. Nichols.  "Improving the Accuracy of Vehicle Reidentification Algorithms by Solving the Assignment Problem," Accepted for publication in Transportation Research Record, Journal of the Transportation Research Board.

New Conference Proceedings
Wait, I.W. and Nichols, A.P. (2009) "Effect of a university-operated Intensive English Program (IEP) on engineering student academic success." American Society of Engineering Education Annual Conference and Exposition, June 14-17, 2009, Austin, Texas.

Caicedo, J., J. Flora, C. Pierce, A. Nichols, B. Timmerman, and W. Graf. "Environments For Fostering Effective Critical Thinking (Effects)." American Society of Engineering Education Annual Conference and Exposition, June 14-17, 2009, Austin, Texas.

Comert, G., M. Cetin, G. Comert, A. Nichols.  " Incorporating Queue Length Measurements into Actuated Signal Control: Evaluation of Efficiency Benefits at an Intersection."  In the Proceedings of the 88th Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board, Washington D.C., January 11-15, 20089

Nichols, A.  "Environments For Fostering Effective Critical Thinking (Effects)."  Presentation to the Transportation Education Conference, Portland, OR, June 20, 2009.

Nichols, A., D. Bullock, W. Schneider.  "Detecting Differential Drift in Weigh-in-Motion Wheeltrack Sensors," Presentation to the 88th Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board, Washington D.C., January 11-15, 2009.1.

Monsere, C., and A. Nichols.  "Building a WIM Data Archive for Improved Modeling, Design, and Rating."  Presentation at the North American Travel and Monitoring Exposition and Conference (NATMEC), Washington, D.C., August 6, 2008.

NRITS 2010
August 2-5, 2010
 Traditional ITS
 ITS & Tourism
 Rural Transit
 Maritime & Rail ITS Applications
 Emergency Response

Rail ITS Demo
Maritime ITS Demo