LEGO CAD Miss Adventure
Saturday October 21, 2000
Continuing Education
Marshall University


The house had a solar panel that could be tilted to catch the sun rays.  house.leg

The pole was used to catch fish.                       pole.leg
Water was raised from a well.
When I was at school, I remembered the geology I had learned. Being on an uncharted island I needed a source of water. The palm trees showed me that there was a water source nearby. Finding the water source, I quickly built a well. The elements were not with me though I didn't have a bucket. But then I noticed the palm trees had coconuts, I grabbed on, broke it in half, (I drank the milk of course) then I attached the coconut to the hook and I could have a water source. 
(From the journal of the well and winch maker.)

 See our adventure at the movies. (4.7 MB mpg)
One shark can be food for a long time.
And Now a Way to Get Home!
(Good thing this place turned out to be a peninsula instead of an island.)

Two parents and two kids from one family, and one parent and one kid each from three other families spent Saturday morning building LEGO projects, then virtually making them on LEGO CAD, and finally making a movie using LEGO Studio.

Linda Hamilton
LEGO Links of Linda Hamilton

Davis Creek Miss Adventure Project 1999-2000
Davis Creek Miss Adventure Project 1998-1999
Davis Creek Miss Adventure Project 1997-1998
LEGO Technology February 2000