Intelligent Transportation
Using LEGO Robotics
Mrs. Yearger's Fifth Grade Class at Culloden Elementary
April 1, 2004
The first two students have chosen to build the speed trap.
While they start building, I set up the computer for RoboLab and check
the Internet connection for
where their pictures will be posted and the live view of the LEGO CITY
The Mars Station at Marshall University can operate the City as well.
I also set up Red Rover as an earth site to so students
has two ways of teleoperating.
These two students were very fast builders.
RoboLab finished installing just in time.
The project uses to light sensors as photo gates to check the time
a vehicle spends going along this street.
We modified the program and saved it. Then we programmed the lights
to go on and off with music.
They were fast at learning to program the LEGO computer project.