Culloden Elementary
Oct. 4, 2005
Today's goal was to make the robot travel in a square and work on turning at a right angle.
The students picked the programming pretty quickly and came up with some successful programs.
Upload RCX Code can straighten out wiring.
Upload RCX Code can straighten out wiring.
One group realized that instead of having to continue to write the program 
over and over again with things they needed to repeat, 
they could use a loop to make the program repeat.
The students were able to log on from Culloden and operate LEGO City.
After we completed the square project, the students were introduced to light sensors.
The students went around the room measuring light sensor readings.
Some of them even kept a recording of  the reading and their differences.
These are examples of how the RCX appears when it measures different light sensor readings.
The students did a great job of writing down everything and keeping track of their recordings.
LEGO Links of Linda Hamilton