Davis Creek Elementary Fifth Grade
August 26, 2003
The 23 students built projects from the
LEGO Educational
Motorized Simple Machine sets.
The entire class built at the same time. They worked in groups of three.
There are 8 sets numbered 1 through 8
and 23 students.
We are not yet sure of the photo permissions so did not take pictures of the students.
Each of the projects was shown to the class to point out the gears, pulleys, wheels and axles, and levers
and how they worked.
The class with build with instructions again next week.
After that the students will start the LEGO CAD project for the year
LEGO Links of Linda Hamilton hamilton@marshall.edu
- Webpages and pictures on http://www.marshall.edu/LEGO
- Web camera on http://legocamera.marshall.edu
- NASA site of Remote Sensing on http://SENSORSCITY.marshall.edu
- Teleoperate LEGO CITY at http://lego.marshall.edu