Solar Rover 
at Davis Creek Elementary 5th grade
January 12, 2004

Connecting up to works from GUI even when does not.

Mrs.Simon has a solar panel that Dr. Norton soldered together. We ar trying it out on some of our Mars projects.
The regular motor goes but does not go with something connected to it.

The geared down motors on the Rovers work but the weight of the batteries in the RCX ar too heavy.

The motor goes faster when he solar panel is close to the light.

Changing the angle also changes the speed.

Now we have the solar panel on a rover that moves.

Doesn't it look a bit like the Rover on Mars now?

We like being student astronauts at Davis Creek Elementary.

It is fantastic to read about students as young as 13 being students scientists at JPL.

LEGO Links of Linda Hamilton
  • Webpages and pictures on
  • Web camera on
  • NASA site of Remote Sensing on
  • Teleoperate LEGO CITY at