Davis Creek Elementary
Robotics and LEGO CAD
Mars Adventure
September 16, 2003
During the day, 6 students programmed and 2 students built and started to CAD.
Two mini challenges were programmed.
One rover was programmed using Pilot to go until it touched the wall
and return until it reached the dark.
The other rover was programmed in Inventor 4 to go in a square.
The program was written at in lots of steps then changed to use subroutines and loops.
LEGO Links of Linda Hamilton hamilton@marshall.edu - Webpages and pictures on http://www.marshall.edu/LEGO
- Web camera on http://legocamera.marshall.edu
- NASA site of Remote Sensing on http://SENSORSCITY.marshall.edu
- Teleoperate LEGO CITY at http://lego.marshall.edu