Mars Data
February 17, 2004

Starting from the 5th grade room, go as far as Spirit traveled in one day.
half way88 feet
This is a long way.
The Mars rovers travel around and send back data to earth.
The little rovers we have at Davis Creek Elementary and at Marshall University can gather data, also.

We could watch the data from here but when the sensor readings are even this far away it is hard.

With a data logging Investigator program,
we can run the program and then upload the data to the computer and see the graph

dark, light ,dark
She went on a quest for dark and light places.

Not only can we run programs at LEGO CITY at
and see them run on
We can also send programs that return data.

Remote Sensing on

This robot at Davis Creek is like the one at the Mars Station at Marshall University.

There are other Mars Stations we can operated, too.


Davis Creek Red Rover Mars Station can be operated by CONNECTing at

Davis Creek Elementary Cydonia Mars Station

(Or Inside WV Schools )

LEGO Links of Linda Hamilton