With a data logging Investigator program,
we can run the program and then upload the data to the computer and
see the graph
dark, light ,dark
She went on a quest for dark and light places.
Not only can we run programs at LEGO
CITY at http://lego.marshall.edu
and see them run on http://legocamera.marshall.edu
We can also send programs that return data.
Remote Sensing on http://SENSORSCITY.marshall.edu
This robot at Davis Creek is like the one at the Mars Station
at Marshall University.
There are other Mars Stations we can operated, too. http://www.redrovergoestomars.org/Rrsites.php
Davis Creek Red Rover Mars Station can be operated by CONNECTing
at daviscreek.cabe.k12.wv.us
Davis Creek Elementary Cydonia Mars Station http://daviscreek.cabe.k12.wv.us:8080
(Or Inside WV Schools )