Robotic Amusement Park
April 27, 2004
Now we are starting on programming the car to go along a line and stop
at the crossing for the next ride..
We had the car moving just forward.
It waited until the message came that a person was through the turnstile.
Then the car moved to the merry go round and sent a message to it to
After it was done the merry go round sent a message back to the car
and it went forward again
Using this program we can get the moving and stopping to work.
Next we will modify the program to include directing which ride goes.
May 24, 2004
Mrs. Simon Is Back!
We got to show her the Amusement park.
The rides are interesting to watch but the most interesting part is
the programming.
The rover waits for mail then follows the line and then sends a message
to the next merry go round.
The first RCX has a turnstile. When a person passes through,
a mail message is sent to start the rover.
The rest of the RCX are running a similar program that just waits for
mail. Those programs have music in place of times.
Motorized Mail Messages Programming More programming Eight rides City and data Showing others Showing Mrs. Simon Put away Spring Hill Rides |