Davis Creek Elementary
LEGO 2001 Miss Adventure
Challenge VII:  Rescue

Davis Creek Elementary 5th grade students are working on the LEGO Miss Adventure Challenges.  The scenario is that a ship wreck strands some victims on a deserted, tropical island.  The only supplies available are the items on board the ship and the island's natural resources.  The first challenge is to build a device to get to the island with as much of the ship's supplies as possible.  The second challenge is to construct a shelter on the island.  The third challenge is to find a way to get fresh water for the islanders.  The fourth challenge is to find a supply of food and a way to keep the survivors fed until help arrives.  The fifth challenge is to design, build, and operate a rescue device.  The group built a sign spelling out "H E L P ! ! !", while causing it to rotate in a circle.   Surely a passing airplane, ship, or a local native from a nearby island will spot their cry for HELP!!!  The sixth challenge was transportation.  The group designed and built vehicles to travel around the island.

The seventh, and final, challenge is rescue.  How can the group be rescued from their island?
What kind of vehicle can travel over water and land that will carry our victims to safety and back to civilization.
Tara, Katie, Hanna, and Logan decide to build a helicopter.  It seems to be the perfect vehicle for rescuing our team.

Katie and Tara are drawing a design for rescuing our stranded victims.

I have finally found it within myself to venture away from the island and try to make it home. I am going to use the things I have learned in this adventure. My rescue device is a helicopter.  Fortunately, we have the motor and the batteries for electricity. 
We used the program on the Red Rover to control the helicopter  to go back and forth.

Click here to visit the helicopter pictures that were seen from the RED ROVER.

Created February 23, 2001
Student Team:  Logan, Katie, Hanna, & Tara

S. Simon
L. Hamilton