Our fifth grade students have built several models using LEGO Dacta materials this 1996-97 school year. Mrs. Linda Hamilton, a parent volunteer and Marshall University math professor, provided instruction and materials for the students to work with.
Under Mrs. Hamilton's direction the Davis Creek Elementary fifth grade students research, plan, build models, and program the models to "run" using our classroom computer. Through an interface and serial connection LEGO Dacta allows the students to program their models to "run" according to the specifics of the program. Some models "talkto" motors, sensors, or gears to turn "on" and "off" at specified times.
The students use the Procedures section of the LEGO Dacta program to record their plans for models. They also include any problems or changes needed as they work to complete their project. Finally, the moment everyone has been waiting for is here! Testing the models to see if they will "work" is the moment of truth! Everyone pauses to watch. Success!
We recorded our students progress during the school year with our Casio digital camera. Each picture represents prior planning, instruction, building, programming, and successful implementation of the LEGO Dacta program. Thank you, Mrs. Hamilton! We love you!
Mrs. Hamilton instructing the class! |
Fractions are just pieces of things! |
Hallway learning opportunity! |
He did it! No, he did it! |
The LEGO project from DC! |
Brains and beauty! |
Our next project will be the Space/Time Continuum! |
What is it that this thing does? |
Two great minds! And beauty, too! |
The original "secret" plan for "The Crazzzy Machine!" |
Gears and pulleys make "The Screwdriver"! |
Gears and pulleys can also make a "Car"! |
"Crazzzy Machine" |
"Crazzzy Machine" being programmed at the computer! |
The dinosaur from Lego Dacta comes to visit our classroom! |
Is it time for LUNCH yet? |
The controls make the Dinosaur move! |
I just KNEW lunch was around here somewhere! |
Let's make a "Noisemaker"! |
J & B's project! |
The newest industrial invention, the "Confusing Conveyor Belt"! |
This car really runs on computer power! |
"Stamper" just keeps moving along! |
"Puller" may just keep my family's car out of the creek! |
"Fan" will help keep me cool on long, hot summer evenings! |
"Red Light" will help us when we learn to drive! |
"Red Light" being programmed on our 486 EduQuest computer! |
"Carriage" rides are fun! |
J & B's "House" will open and close door on demand! |
This project has no name, but works just the same! |
"Car" in the Indy 500? |
Collaboration makes all the difference! |
I like to build this speedy LEGO "Car"! |
We just built a brand, spanking new project! |
Is this the "Little House on the Internet"? |
Is this the OK Corral? |
"Crane" it around this way! |
H2O is added to make this "Watermill" run right on schedule! |
Right up close! |
"LEGO Man" can balance on anything! |
Can we design something to measure rain? We DID! |
"Rain Gauge" keeps our house from flooding! |
Where did all this water come from? |
This team studied with KGS, Kids As Global Scientists, weather central! |
Help! The water is overflowing our terrain! |
S. Simon ssimon@access.k12.wv.us
& L. Hamilton
*Last Updated 7/10/97
Checked 7 / 20 / 2005