Miss Adventure - Project
B & T's Well
This is the well before it was finished.
November 6, 1998
T and B
This adventure is turning out to be more work that I ever dreamed. First,
the shipwreck. Then gathering supplies, getting to the island, and building
a shelter. Now finding water. I think the water is in Davis Creek.
My house is down below the creek. The water flows down into the well
through the hole in the well. You can put the bucket down into water and
wind it up.
Some of our problems were finding the string and putting it in the
axle on Lego Cad. It was also hard to put the pieces where they should
be on the model. The model fell apart once, and we had to put it
back together.
Actually, it wasn't very hard work if you think about it.
we will not go thirsty again!
We put the string and the hook on, and the axle.
The Davis Creek well is now finished, and complete.
Water page
by our Marshall University Teaching Assistant
Cad's Miss Adventure #3 Water Supply More Pictures of the Well
The victims of an island shipwreck
must find a way to supply fresh water continually.
The girls decided to build a
well to pull fresh water from deep within the island pockets.
view of the buckets. Close view of the pulley.