Bumped 4 Green October 3, 2009 Getting over the bridge still works.
For a team building activity they put two green bumpers back together
by looking at two that were made.
NXT can be made into many different bots.
Three people cam from Mason County.
An RCX can be used to pick up loops. They did it!
Time to work on presentation.
They programmed the RCX to pick up a loop then moved over to the SMART
MOVE field
and modified the program to get the blue loop.
Get some outside time.
Thank you for lunch. Getting in and out of campus on Home Coming
is tough.
Thanks to parents for food and technical help.
Work on the underpass model.
Two parents and two kids came in the afternoon to look into doing Jr.FLL.
Getting those green bumpers
tweaking they were gotten with walls up.
It has been a good day.
Recording everything.
Then cleaning up.