Project and Missions

October 31, 2009

Today there was continuing progress on both parts of the FLL Smart Move.

Where are those underpasses in Huntington?

A possibility for the end game from Q and A number 13

Then a break for lunch

Thank you for the pizzas and drinks.

The afternoon was programming

with successes

Getting the ZOO ready for SENSORSCITY November theme.


and visitors to see the Smart Move missions.

Later the Zoo was put up at the LEGO City.
Links of Linda Hamilton
With support from
What I find to be most interesting today is the work the team did on a robot that will be an idea for another team.
They took on the challenge graciously - it could be help for another team.
When one person's programming came to a problem and other worked from a different point and they put the working parts together.
One style worked for part of the problem and another style worked better at a different place.
Without both parts the full program would not have worked.