Building Jobs Through Transportation

Transportation LEGO project
Things travel- example a towel traveled
Seeds traveled to a farm.
Parts of the plants traveled to be made into threads.
The threads traveled to be made into cloth.
The cloth traveled to be made into a towel.
The towel traveled to a warehouse.
The towel traveled to a store.
The towel traveled to you.
Think about all the ways it moved to get to you -  what kind of vehicles and machines were used, who made the vehicles and machines, who operated them..

You pick something.

Learn how it traveled.

Build a  model of all or part of its travel. Make something in your model move.
Make it small - 15 inches x 15 inches at most.
Use only LEGO parts - you can use any LEGO bricks, figures, or moving parts you need.
The model must have at least one piece that can move - it can move by hand or using a motor.
The model should include one simple machine - you can build it using any LEGO ramps, levers, pulleys, gears, wheels and axles.
You cannot paint or decorate the LEGO parts; you cannot use other art or craft materials in your model.

Show It

Make a poster. Show your team and tell something nice about each member. Show the thing you picked. Show how it moved to you.
You can use words, drawings, photos, and small objects attached to the poster to tell about what your team learned.
Tell about your team - your team name, your team members and share something special about each one, and your coach.
Tell about the places you hunted for answers, the people you asked.
Tell about your thing and show its travels - what it is, where it went, and how it got to each place.
Tell about your model and your machine - what is moving, where, and how.