NXT, RCX, and WeDo

October 2, 2011

There were people using Rcx, NXT and WeDo for
Green City, FLL, and Jr. FLL.

RCX is compact.

NXT data logging is done with 2.1

Ultrasonic distance

Sharing is part of Gracious Professionalism.

Got the rat!

The October scene is up at LEGO City.

Got the rat and back to base!

Front computer is for FLL updates and WeDo.

New batteries.                      New programmer.

Neon Noodles

Old and young

FLL and Green CIty

Got the points!

Sharing is part of Gracious Professionalism.

Green City

WeDo and FLL

This robot can go diagonal.

Rat retrieved.

WeDo Airplane

Different sounds and different backgrounds.


Jr. FLL met later to make WATERMELON Candy.

LEGO Links of Linda Hamilton
With support from