Dear Parents and Students,
    Welcome to the 2013 FIRST LEGO LEAGUE Challenge Nature's Fury. Participation on this team requires a willingness to work together as a team, respect each others ideas, showing gracious professionalism to our team mates and competitors.
    FIRST LEGO LEAGUE competitions are not all about winning, it's about teaching our students the value of teamwork, learning about the problems facing the world around us and searching for solutions to solve some of these problems, and our biggest goal is to have FUN while we learn, but like any other team, we want to excel in our sport.
   For more information please see  http://usfirst.org  and http://netapps.marshall.edu/lego/   (2013-2014 year).  Teams will be judged on - The Robotics Competition (many tasks in 2 1/2 minutes); The Research Project ( 5 min. presentation on challenge topic); TEAMWORK (how well we work together as a team); Robot Design, Programming; and Gracious Professionalism.
    The tournament season is September to December. Team members meet every Saturday at Marshall Science 307.  (Additional practices may be needed closer to the tournament). We will have a local tournament at Marshall University in the Morrow Library
and a State tournament.
    Parents will be required to transport their child to the practices and to the state tournament.
    Parent participation is encouraged, but not required. Each team pays registration fees, buys robot materials, and field set up.
Check out http://www.firstlegoleague.org/parents

Questions? Linda Hamilton (Mentor)

LEGO  Links of Linda Hamilton hamilton@marshall.edu