City Sights  Tournament 2002
Parkersburg, WV
December 14, 2002
David Brooks setting up a laptop
Jay Drost, serving as temporary coach to B'ville Team
On December 14, 2002 the FLL teams of West Virginia met at Parkersburg WVU Extension to compete using the 2002 FIRST LEGO League Challenges to find solutions.  Every team was the receipent of several awards and was warmly recognized for their efforts and hard work programming their robots to accomplish the various missions.  The tournament, which was the first of its kind in West Virginia, was coordinated by David Brooks and other interested individuals.  The accommadations were excellently arranged and every team felt welcomed and appreciated.  Following are four pages of photographs depicting the event.
Newspaper article advertising event
David Brooks checking out the table setup
Each competition table is 4 feet by 8 feet
Tournament trophies
Practice table
Checking the bridge
The draw bridge starts with a section up
One of the FLL Teams
Another FLL team arriving
One of the FLL competition rovers
Bridge, windmill, and roads
FLL Rover
FLL Rover picking up food loops and delivering buildings
More Pictures of the FLL Tournament .  .  .
LEGO Links of Linda Hamilton