Team Time at Marshall University Morrow Library
November 6, 2004

With the FLL 2004 NO LIMITS in the middle of the room and computers around the wall,
the students set to work.

Some of the attachments are meant  to pop off easily.
This is a great time to show parents.

Here are details of the ball dropper and angle sensor.

Will it work?


We can watch the LEGO City from here

and then go there.

Mars is over there.

You can teleoperate Mars and the LEGO City.

You can also try out programs on No Limits.

SENSORSCITY gives data on touch and light sensors.
When the bird or your hand goes between the light and the light sensor the reading drops and the white line dips.

Back at the Team Time in the Library some people can show three or more challenges run in a row.

From here we can see SENSORSCITY and watch programs run there.

We made a battery level program and put it in HELP.
Now we can tell when the batteries are low.  7.45 volts will still go up the ramp.

Keeping records of the programs is a great idea.

We can see the dancing TURKEY at the LEGO City.
Run a program at SENSORSCITY and you can, too.

LEGO  Links of Linda Hamilton