Career Fair March 9, 2010 Robotics takes knowing programming, math, science, technology, and
problem solving.
Robots can be programmed to reach to sensors such as ultrasonic sensors.
PicoCricket and NXT can be built into robots.
The large size LEGO Duplo can be used to make Cities to run the robots
TAG classes will build one this month.
This PicoCricket project has sound, motion and colored lights.
This RCX bot is like some at the
LEGO City.
They can be teleoperated over the web.
Teleoperate AppaLEGO CITY at NASA site of Remote Sensing on The color of the light changes randomly.
Touch sensors can be used.
Next year's FIRST LEGO League challenge is BioMedical Technology.
The next table over was about nursing. Maybe they would mentor
for FLL next year.
Those interested in programming can start learning a week from Friday.
Email Linda Hamilton for details for 9 year olds and up at Geneva Kent.
Bye Bye