
September 28, 2010

The team is building the field set.
Marshall students can see as they walk through.
Dr. Little is hoping some will stay and be mentors.

Luckily for us one did stay today.

Email from Dr. Little:
Morning all,

Those of you around Morrow, may notice children in the Commons working with Linda Hamilton and folks from the Harless Center in the afternoons.  This is a joint IST, RTI, and Harless activity bringing the RTI LEGO League technology into the learning experiences of more and more students.  It also brings children experientially into the world of our students.

Particularly with the recent, and welcomed, addition of Natural Resource and Recreation Management group to us, this seems like a natural.  We're working on ways to create activities with LEGO technology and physical activity.  We're going to be Geocaching with these children and developing a Geocache activity for the upcoming SCORES event�will include some  .kml programming.

We'll be attempting to match up our students IST 301 credit with this activity and actively recruit our IST 301 students as mentors.

More to come,

Michael Little, Ph.D.
Chairperson, Department Integrated Science and Technology
Marshall University
One John Marshall Way
Huntington WV 25755

LEGO Links of Linda Hamilton
With support from