Miller Elementary
Drop Cars
February 14, 2003
The class made three drop cars following the CAD pictures.


Thread the string through the bushing, 

Then push the axle through too.

That will hold the string in without having to tie a knot.

The vertical uprights are held to the horizontal base of the car by two black friction connectors.

 The top of the car has a hub as a pulley. 
It is held in the middle by two small bushings and 
secured on the outside by regular bushings. 
There are no weight bricks in the Cities and Transportation sets.  The pennies work well. 

Maybe you would like to try 20.  
But remember in science experiments change only one variable at a time.

Practice a few times to get the string rolled up, pennies at the same height and back axles on a line. Then let go.   Which goes farther?

Pick up the three cars and place then on the same line. Which car gets to 6 inches first?  Which cars is faster?

Using one car a a time, run three trials each. 
How far does it go each time? What is the average?

The principal and teachers can do this, too.
Lesson Plans
Miller LEGO Projects 2002-2003
Miller LEGO Projects 2001-2002

LEGO Links of Linda Hamilton

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Web camera on
NASA site of Remote Sensing on