Miller LEGO Crane with Solar Panel
Miller  on 
LEGO Links of Linda Hamilton
Hi, we are going to make a crane.
The instructions are on paper and in LEGO CAD.

This is a pawl and ratchet.

The weight stays up with the ratchet down.
Lift up and see what happens.

ZOOOM - that would not be safe
for anyone under the crane.

Another obvious question is -
Why is that heavy brick on the back end?

Oops - that is why!

Our parent helper for the day was nice
to let us use keys as a weight to lift up.



Cranes can use batteries but they could use solar energy.


We worked on the computer
to get the virtual LEGO crane in

The following is the Journal from the LEGO CAD page:
26 Feb. 2001
Ace and Janus / Raymond
Pawl and ratchet
after we finished the manual part ( with technical difficulties )
we altered it and used mechanical force
we will now try solar energy - ace
eureka!  it worked, solar power worked! it went up and down! - ace

Miller Elementary   on LEGO Links of Linda Hamilton