Many Projects at Miller March 21, 2006
An accelerometer was programmed to get data from a moving vehicle.
We also went on SENSORSCITY
and used a program to get data about the vehicles there.
Part of the TAG class worked on some projects.
Time how many objects can be moved in one minute.
Other TAG students continued with other projects as part of the fifth
grade worked on others.
Parallelograms are not sturdy.
Combining projects can have many directions of motions.
The turn stile can have a counter work for 5, 25 or 100 people.
The fouth and fifth graders are practicing to help the third graders
with the "yellow" set.
The pneumatics can be used to squeeze out water or crush cans for recycling.
Pulleys can work for winches. The pneumatics were used to make
an elevator.
Some of the projects were taken back to the fifth grade to show.