Mount View FLL 2006 Nano Quest

The 2006 Nano Quest Field set pieces and NXT set were shipped to Mt View.
They set up a team, build a robot and programmed it for the 2006 Challenge.
Last year I visited Mt View and found there was interest in  an FLL team
so they were included in my K-12 grant from
NASA West Virginia Space Grant Consortium.

Getting ready for MU Public Event December 1, 2006

LEGO  Links of Linda Hamilton
With support from
NASA West Virginia Space Grant Consortium.
Learning with LEGO
During the summer, hundreds of local
students participated in LEGO activities
on Marshall University's campus and
libraries, community centers and camps
throughout West Virginia.
Students built and programmed
intelligent vehicles using LEGO Robotics and used them to
solve real-world transportation and
engineering projects.
LEGO activities were conducted by Linda
Hamilton, Marshall University math
instructor and Rahall Transportation
Institute Coordinator of K-12 Outreach
Intelligent Transportation Systems
Hamilton recently received a NASA K-12
grant for NXT robots, which will be used
for outreach activities in cooperation with
NASA Explorer schools in Mt. View and
Tucker Valley, as well as tri-state area
schools. Hamilton is also one of the NXT
pilot educators for Carnegie Mellon�s
curriculum in Robotics engineering.
Several teams of students age 9-14 will
also comprise FIRST LEGO League
teams, which meet from September to
December at the Morrow Library, and
will solve �NanoTechnology� problems.
Marshall University students, teachers
and others interested in nanotechnology
are welcome to assist. Many of the teams
coached by Hamilton have won previous
local and statewide FIRST LEGO League
More information about Hamilton�s
various LEGO activities may be found at