Balance Scale April 13, 2012 1 block out 18 balances with 2 blocks out 9
Make a base with sides that have 2 plates between 2 beams.
Place 2 black connectors in the center holes for vertical beams.
3 x 12 = 2 x 18
3 x 1 = 1 x 3
They were able to make more than 30 equations of pairs of factors in
10 minutes.
The first class brought the projects already built to a second class
explained the rules of the game. Using at most 8 blocks and a balance beam of 20 on a side
figure out how many different equations of the form
# of blocks x distance = # of blocks x distance
can be made that have the smaller number of bricks on the left.
Using the top of the beams is easier and "close enough" for testing
correct pairs.
Actually the distances would be exact at the holes.
In the new white simple machine sets there are yellow blocks and 2
stud red beams
that have small holes in the studs that can fit under beams below the
holes or between.
Using 8 of either works very well but using some red and some yellow
does not since the yellow are heavier.