
May 11, 2013
Today is the great train day
and robot programming.

First some building.

And some setting up of a story.

Then get out the train track pieces.

Get a complete circuit.

Many paths.

Build some stations.

Here comes the train.

Fuel the train.

Got to get a movie of that.



He has written a NXT remote program

This is the FLL from 2012.  The registration for 2013 has been paid.

These boys have chosen a mission I have not have not seen a team do.

With many tweaks they get

to the oven.
I am impressed.

The old ones come up with a working ideas for the factory and windmill.

Check out the driving of the rover and city.

Get an other mission.

Make a marble track work

Get a TELEOPERATOR'S License to run the LEGO City from anywhere.

I am looking forward to a great team next year.

LEGO Links of Linda Hamilton
With support from 

We are setting up SKYPE so next year when friends are many states apart they can still work together in the LEGO City.