LEGO Games
for Linda Hamilton's Birthday
August 17, 2013


Thanks for the popsicle.

Frog Rush
Linda Hamilton

Make a Match

Quarto over phone

Pentominos    Chocolate

FLL 2013 Nature's Fury Challenge

Gyro Boy

4 in a row

and tic tac toe over Skype

Look at museum and see RCX robot

and NXT person
Thanks for the cupcakes.

Thanks for the cookies.

The adults shared FLL ideas.

Robot Champ                                                   Wild Wool        Banana Balance



Run Red Rover Red Rover to see who is in the train to school.

Work on RCX robot

What a party
She made the intelligent house back in her FLL days.
Adults got to talk about what will be involved in FLL.

Run the SENSORSCITY with RoboLab

Thanks for playing for Kylie.
4 in a row
Made by Kylie

Harry Potter

See WeDo Crane on
 Username LindaLEGOLadyHamilton

Race and Creationary

Replacement piece came for FLL model

LEGO Links of Linda Hamilton
With support from