Clown Train

June 2004
Your mission is to send a program to make the train move.
For your reward you may have a clown of your choice to have a ride at the SENSROSCITY. *

SENSORSCITY can be seen through
and operated by sending programs through
The directory with Example programs to use are on
 Click and save a file that ends in .vi to your computer to use to send a mission.
The RoboLab Programs are the files that end in .vi and the .jpg are pictures of the programs.
 Note:   The "traffic" goes between the Lamp on port A which is across from the light sensor on port 1.
 Monorail motor is on port B and touch sensors on both ends of the track are on port 2.
Port C is the Carousal. Port 3 is a light sensor.
 Various parts of the CITY also operate when you run programs through

"See, Mom, I made that."

May 2004 had flowers on a Merry go round for you to program.
There were some animal visitors at the end of the month.

The rovers on Mars South Pole  are still working
and ready for Teleoperating.
Peek through into the city from the Red Rover Camera.

City from the Red Rover Camera and visitor on the

If you send a program to the SENSORSCITY -
See Instructions -
send email to Linda Hamilton at
with a drawing or picture of a clown you would like to give a ride to on the Clown Train.
We will try to make it and place it on the train.
If you live near Marshall University we can arrange for you to bring in or make a clown.
LEGO Links of Linda Hamilton