April showers bring May flowers.
At least the train delivers the flowers.
Your challenge is to pick up the flowers.
The train is on output C.
The monorail on SENSORSCITY
is on motor B.
There is also another monorail and vehicles you can teleoperate through
Red Rover.
Instructions for operating the SENSORSCITY with RED ROVER software
You can send programs to SENSORSCITY
to move the monrail on the right side
and to move the train.
There are magnets on the top of the flowers and magnets on the side
arms of each monorail.
Get the flowers off the train by sending programming projects to SENSORSCITY.
Then pick up the flowers using the robotic arm on the vehicle using
Red Rover.
The first 7 people that pick up a flower will get a little tiny LEGO
car and a very big flower.
Take screen shots of before and after through IMAGE CAPTURE on Red
or your own screen shot
from the Axis camera on SENSORS City Camera on
Email the pictures and your account name on SENSORSCITY to
On the Red Rover software
Program 4 on Red Rover closes the robotic arm and Program 5 opens.
The lamp is on port A and is across from light sensor on port 1.
The motor for the monorail is on port B. The travel time is 1
There are touch sensors on port 2. The light sensor on port 3 is near
the train track..
The motor on port C varies each month.
This is one program for May.
This will move the train one second.
The following will move the train 2 seconds and gives you data.
The above pictures of a ROBOLAB programs are linked to its program (with
.vi extension). Click and save to your computer to use one to send a mission
The directory with Example programs to use are on
The RoboLab Programs are the files that end in .vi and the .jpg are
pictures of the programs.
If you have RoboLab you can make your own Investigator program following
the icon pictures.
to Instructions To Use SENSORSCITY
Linda Hamilton