Yellow Simple Machine Sets
April 19, 2011
Picture instructions are used to build lever, wheels and axles, gear, and pulley concepts.
Here are pictures of the projects.
However the learning comes in the actual trying out of the models.
Much was learned that does not show.

Where the fulcrum is makes a huge difference in force.

The switch can determine which part of the pneumatic circuit gets the air pressure.

Different gear ratios can change speed.
Gears also were used to change motion at right angles.

Pulleys can be used to have motion in same direction or opposite

Wheels can make motion with less friction.

Gears can be used to make faster motion.

Levers can be used for scales.

Pneumatics can be used in a press.

Cranes have pulleys.

Single axle on the front has great friction in turning but separate axles makes turning easier.
That is a example of how the picture can not give a "feel" for the science concepts.

LEGO Links of Linda Hamilton
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