
March 13, 2012
And DUPLO Vehicles

These pieces stay together with screws.

How many people in your vehicle?

Simple Machines
in Third Grade

Yellow and blue look green to the eye.

There is a pot of gold at the end of the rainbow at the LEGO City at Marshall University this month.

And there are a couple of shamrocks for good luck.
Wind is the topic for the month of March.

DUPLO TOOLO in Kindergarten

This vehicles stay together if you use a screw driver to tighten the screws.

Some pieces need a wrench.

How many people in your vehicle?

After School
Puff car Challenge

After school puff car

The younger students learned about making longer beams
by placing a 1 by 1 plate above and below the crack between two short beams.

They added wheels and axles.

Then made a sail.

Puff to move your vehicle but to do not make it go off the end of the table.

The older group made a sail that stayed upright on axle.

LEGO Links of Linda Hamilton
With support from