RTI 24 Hour CITY and Three
Schools Connect
May 10, 2001
LEGO vehicles interacted as
Intelligent Transportation
Spring Hill Elementary, Davis
Creek Elementary, and Barboursville Middle.
Pam Hamilton of
RTI, Becky Chenoweth 4th -5th grade math teacher at Spring Hill,
Mrs. Simon 5th grade teacher at Davis Creek,
and Madalin Bickel 6th grade teacher at Barboursville
all sent messages over the internet on LEGO
Red Rover software.
Students at each of the schools operated various
vehicles remotely from combinations of the sites.
There was a monorail at the CITY and two cars
and gate at Spring Hill and a Rover at Davis Creek.
You can see the monorail run. 305
KB animated gif or 85
KB animated gif
Though there was no camera here on the Spring Hill site the
gate was operated by
Davis Creek students after instructions were sent.
See, Davis Creek - this is what moved up and down.
Too many moves down.
Instructions sent.
The gate worked perfectly.
Spring Hill students moved the rocks at Davis Creek.
You can see it: 130
KB animated gif or 39
KB animated gif * (RELOAD to see again)
Spring Hill 4th and 5th graders sorted
and built their first projects this week.
The monorail moved at different rates by clicking different
levels on the power scale.
It was also a good puzzle to figure out how far it would travel
in different times and at different speeds.
Casie, a Marshall student had programmed the monorail. We
liked running program 2.
Thanks, Casie.
Pictures this week of students on RED ROVER at Barboursville
were looked at from Spring Hill.
Maggie was on the Red Rover program at Barboursville.
The first LEGO Robotics project at Spring Hill.
Make a goal
Program was made and down loaded. Robot started.
Good one
The gate was taken apart and another car made.
What will be next?
Hill Elementary LEGO projects
links of Linda Hamilton2000-2001