4th and 5th Grade
Spring Hill LEGO Projects
February 12, 2003

Programming - how to get that ball in the basket by programming a motor to drop the ball
after the car moves forward until the touch sensor is changed?

Who knows how to set up RED ROVER?

The movie of the TV news

We can teleoperate

See us and Marshall University.

Ok, so the touch sensors needs to wait until release.

since the touch sensor is pushed in until the car bumps into something.

Drive forward, bump, drop ball!

Hi, I am new.

The tour of what can be done with LEGO and the Internet begins with the LEGO City and Mars in California.

Talking about Mars.  There will be real rovers on Mars.  Here is a model sort of like what they will be.

They will be programmed to check sensors.

The light sensor reads 35% on the table and 40% on the white paper.

After "playing robot"  we decided on this program to stay near the edge of the paper.

That works.
Now try to put papers in the right places and the right times to get the rover over to the other side of the room.

Did it!  And an easier way.

Program 4 at the LEGO City works much the same way.

The students came up with a big challenge-
go around the table.

They did it.

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LEGO Links of Linda Hamilton hamilton@marshall.edu