4th and 5th Grade
Spring Hill LEGO Projects
April 30,2003

Repair is done to the windmill from the time Davis Creek connected.

Flowers at Spring Hill inspired the May flowers at SENSORSCITY

We can connect through RRRR to LEGO CITY at Marshall and Mars Station South Pole.

Spring Hill can connect from Miller.
The girl at the left was at Spring Hill yesterday while the boy connect from Miller.
These kids can do the computer teleoperation.

The bot from Davis Creek might work on the City Sites Challenge.

Lets program it and try it out.

Not bad.  The crown gear is better the other way around. We can get it to work.

Congratulations Math winners.

The Red Rover program from Spring Hill seems to get
the Mars Station South Pole better that trying from inside Marshall domain. 
Or maybe the students are just more patient.

Mars Station South Pole can be seen on the internet RRRR connection.
This is being beta tested to see if we can make SENSORSCITY Red Rover change to the new version.
SENSORSCITY has a web camera.

He is staying at Spring Hill and I am going back to Marshall University.

Now I can connect to Spring Hill Red Rover and teleoperate from Marshall
For me to connect to the South Pole was much harder.
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LEGO Links of Linda Hamilton hamilton@marshall.edu