Spring Hill
Fourth Grade Fourth Visit
On Wednesday October 11, I again visited Mrs. Withers� fourth grade TAG class.  Mrs. Withers and myself decided it would be best for the kids to have one more time working with the same sets they have been working on.  The kids did quite well overall.  Most groups managed to complete two of the projects given in the directions.  The class as a whole is doing much better than when I first began working with them.  They rarely need to ask for assistance as they are getting used to reading the directions and measuring and working with the LEGO pieces.

There are a few exceptions to this rule, however.  Only a couple children in the class are having difficulty.  I don�t believe they are having problems because they don�t understand but I believe it to be more along the lines of them wanting attention and thus pretending that they need assistance because I know that every child in this class is fully capable of reading the directions and assembling the projects in this set by this point.  Next week Mrs. Withers and I plan to get the class started on building and programming RCX robots.

LEGO  Links of Linda Hamilton hamilton@marshall.edu
With support from
NASA West Virginia Space Grant Consortium.
Jesse A Mullins
12 students: 3 boys, 9 girls