On September 27, 2006 I made my third visit to Mrs. Withers' Fourth Grade TAG class. Due to conflicts with a class trip I was not able to make it in to visit the children the week prior. They were quite excited that I was able to make it this week. Whether they missed me or working with the LEGO sets, I am uncertain. I had the kids pair up as usual and had them pick something they hadn't built before. I would really like to get the kids to be able to build all or at least the majority of the machines provided with the set.
I can tell that the kids are getting quite used to working with these sets. They are more familiar where all the pieces are in the box and that they need to put them back where they belong when they are finished. I was unable to get any pictures of the children from this day because I forgot my camera, but almost all of the groups got their projects finished. Some even had time and decided to put together a second project.
Mrs. Withers and myself are beginning to notice that a couple of the
children aren't taking the time with the LEGO sets seriously though, and
this upsets us. We are not certain if the children feel working with
the blocks is too difficult or too simple or if there is a completely unrelated
reason. Despite the reason for the misbehavior of the children we
are working to find out the cause and develop a correction for it so that
all the children will enjoy the time they get to work with the LEGO sets.
With support from NASA West Virginia Space Grant Consortium. ![]() and ![]()