Crane and Walker

February 2, 2012

Walker builders                              Crane builders

We used RoboLab and RCX to run the LEGO SENSORSCITY.

We used RoboLab and RCX to program the walker.

It is much like the measuring machine that is on ISS.
This machine makes 17 steps per foot.

Crane is finished.

Both can be connected to the same RCX and run autonomously.

We watched to see how LEGO projects are built in space.
This is the measuring machine used there.

Both these projects were shown to the class because the RCX can run autonomously.

They checked out the January SENSORSCITY project and the ISS trundle projected.

Challenge - make a car moved by a rubberband.

Challenge for February - climb stairs.

LEGO Links of Linda Hamilton
With support from 

Gear trains with white simple machines