Amusement Park

March 16, 2005
Spring Hill 5th grade math students brought their merry go round to the fifth grade class.

The class watched the action that was programmed on the RCX while in another room.
Pay with "ticket", the ride starts, goes one direction then the other,
then it goes up and down, all the while music is playing.
Push the button and the ride stops.

The class used the Internet to connect to the LEGO City and so did the Math class.
They both teleoperate LEGO CITY at

The same pieces were built into another ride.  Ready to program to run with ticket?

This ride has two motors and a light.

We can run the program though the Red Rover at Spring Hill and see the action on the camera.
LEGO  Links of Linda Hamilton
20 fifth graders 10 girls 10 boys