Doctors at St. Joe Jr. FLL®

Dr. Neginhal - Orthopedic Surgeon and Dr. Pinson - House call Physician
came to visit with the two St. Joseph Jr. FLL teams.
November 2, 2010

Dr. Neginhal - Orthopedic Surgeon

Healthily joint                        Arthritic joint

Hip replacement

A person can be walking in 2 hours after the surgery!

The FLL® team is working with robotics.

There are broken bones on the FLL® 2010 Body Forward Biomedical challenge
for the robot to be programmed to autonomously fix.

The students are learning about biomedical tools to help people live healthier lives.

Dr. Pinson showed us many medical tools.



pulse oxymetry

blood pressure cuff


Reflex hammer

tunings fork

She also got to see the FLL® 2010 Body Forward Biomedical challenge.

LEGO Links of Linda Hamilton
With support from 

Happy Birthday