Success by 6
January 31, 2004
Marshall University

From here to there or any where
takes one kind of transportation or another
Tall buildings or robotics? 
Try out the robotics at the city.
Teleoperate LEGO CITY at

Linda Hamilton of the Math Department at Marshall University
went to the Success By 6, Super Kids, Super Families, Super Bowl Saturday
sponsored by the United Way.

Football players are tall!

The little ones built a city at 
Marshall University Student Center  
to go with the robotic one at
Nick J. Rahall, II Transportation Institute at Marshall University.
A city is shaped by its transportation.

Thank you for your help.

Success By 6
January 27, 2001
February 2, 2002
September 16, 2002
January 25, 2003,
June 8, 2003
and January 25, 2003
LEGO Links of Linda Hamilton
300 kids plus parents