
July 25, 2005

Material is all set up at Marrow Library is for learning about RoboLab programming of LEGO robots.

Three teams are going to work together.

Figure out what the programs on slots 1 through 5 do
and then figure out what the pictures of programs on the paper would make the robot do.

Each team as a different robot.

Program the robots to

pick up the trash           and                 set up the flags.
LEGO  Links of Linda Hamilton
For the first day, the various robots were programmed to do short programs such as go forward for one second, stop for 2 seconds, turn right, and back up for 1 second.
The 5 programs were made as remote programs on one RCX and downloaded to all the rest.  So even when a new robot was brought on Monday morning it too was loaded with the same five programs to run and discover what they did.