The students took their filled out surveys of their strengths.
such as organization, programming, building,
and group themselves into 3 teams.
Then they chose a bot. One side is motor A and the other side
is motor C.
We can test out what happens by having our left side and leg A
and right side and leg C.
Both going forward moves the bot forward. A forward and
moving backwards makes the bot go right.
They had examples of programs with music, forward, and turns, and loops.
Then they figured out what their five programs did.
(The programs had been loaded from an RCX that was programed to program
Then they listened and watched the introduction
of Dataloggers.
Also on Dataloggers is the 6 introductory challenges we
started today.
Every one helped with the mission set ups and learned to program.
They programmed their bots to go until touch and turn and repeat.
Also they programmed the bots go for the correct time and return for
other challenges.