
June 21, 2010
The class is going to build many kinds of simple motorized machines
and use the ideas to set up the kinds of machines at an airport.

First we checked out the LEGO CITY at
and watched on the camera on
The LEGO City is at Marshall University.  My little helper and I had just visited it this morning.

Helpers                                             Some of the class have been on airplanes.

The first project was to learn about gears by building the merry go round in many ways.

Crown gears at right angle was an important idea.

The merry go round can be built from paper or LEGO CAD instructions.

A challenge was to make a car.  When it moves a sign is to go around.

It was to go slowly enough that I could read all 4 signs.

The other challenge was to make a sign with a bird on one side and cage on other
go so fast that it looked like the bird was in the cage.

LEGO Links of Linda Hamilton
With support from