The RoboLab Programs are the files that end in .vi and the .jpg are pictures of the programs. When sending programs to SENSORSCITY use the ones that have the .vi file extension. If you have RoboLab and these programs do not load they may be in RoboLab 2.5.4 or higher. Just make your own Investigator program following the icon pictures. There are now both RCX and NXT activities. You can either send programs to RCX or NXT. For the RCX: The lamp is on port A and is across from light sensor on port 1. The motor for the monorail is on port B. The travel time is 2 seconds. There are touch sensors on port 2 and another light sensor on port 3. The motor on port C varies each month. For the NXT: The vehicle has motors on port A and port C. There is a light sensor on port 1, touch sensor on port 2 and Ultrasonic (NXT Distance) sensor on Port 3. The Light sensor points down. There are dark lines on the ground. The touch sensor is on the back. The data counts the number of bumps. The Ultrasonic sensor is in the front. Linda Hamilton