October 2, 2003
Perfect Rectangle
These two wanted to make a 4 wheeler.
First the gears had to mesh.
Then they wanted the car to go around the rectangular green LEGO box.
It would turn well if there were 2 rubber back wheels and a skid
or 2 rubber back wheels and two front plastic wheels or skids.
They programmed it to go around the rectangular green LEGO box.
F3.5 is forward 3.5 seconds.
This is their subroutine for going right.
Using so few icons makes a short program.
The best part is it worked every time.
LEGO Links of Linda Hamilton hamilton@marshall.edu
- Webpages and pictures on http://www.marshall.edu/LEGO
- Web camera on http://legocamera.marshall.edu
- NASA site of Remote Sensing on http://SENSORSCITY.marshall.edu
- Teleoperate LEGO CITY at http://lego.marshall.edu