Village of Barboursville Elementary
September 12, 2003
Mars Rock Launch
The next two students built a way to deliver a rock and programmed a way to launch it.
Finding the right COM and getting it to work was one of the problems overcome.
Building a way to deliver an object is hard fun work.![]()
.The class watched as the ball was launched successfully.
Their teacher saw the Davis Creek Elementary Mars Box.
Today she and the students connected to Davis Creek's Mars.
On the web camera on
we can watch the "little traffic".
Davis Creek Elementary and The LEGO City at Marshall University were teleoperated through the Red Rover program.
The pieces for the part that delivered the red ball were made from the VOB Motorized Simple Machine sets
so we have taken pictures to be able to remember how it was made. The pieces were put away at the end of class.
LEGO Links of Linda Hamilton - Webpages and pictures on
- Web camera on
- NASA site of Remote Sensing on
- Teleoperate LEGO CITY at