Yellow Mini Sets
March 5, 2005
First Through Third Grade TAG at Village of Barboursville Elementary
Seven students will work with Mrs. Meehan over the next 8 weeks
on the 8 projects on the simple machines-
pulleys, gears, levers, and wheels.
They will work with Mrs. Hamilton's sets until theirs arrive.
There are many more ideas after the two projects with instructions
in each set.
Where the fulcrum is placed makes a lot of difference.
How does the force change?
It almost looks like an owl eating.
A single axle between the wheels does not let the car turn as well
as separate axles.
Do different size wheels change speed?
Gears at right angles. Small gear driving large gear is slow.
Large gear drives small is fast. Idler gear changes direction.
Pulleys at different directions
different speeds
and different looks.
Oh, my! I can't believe we are operating the robots at Marshall from