August 30, August 31,
September 1, September 2, 2010
Try this as a communication project: Make the 3D object from
the 2D
Mystery Object
August 30, 2010
The Village of Barboursville Elementary 1st and 2nd grade TAG
The next step is working in pairs to build a project using only oral
Alternate giving oral instructions until all the pieces are placed
and then look
to see how closely alike the objects are.
The first and second graders are the Monday TAG.
They will be working with the yellow mini sets for a few weeks.
Mystery Object
August 31, 2010
The Village of Barboursville Elementary 2nd grade TAG
The next step is working in pairs to build a project using only oral
Alternate giving oral instructions until all the pieces are placed
and then look
to see how closely alike the objects are.
Mystery Object
September 1, 2010
The Village of Barboursville Elementary 4th grade TAG
Make the 3D object from the 2D instructions.
The next step is working in pairs to build a project using only oral
Alternate giving oral instructions until all the pieces are placed
and then look
to see how closely alike the objects are.
Mystery Object
September 2, 2010
The Village of Barboursville Elementary 5th grade TAG
The next step is working in pairs to build a project using only oral